Marybeth Heikes

Paintings in Watercolor & Mixed Media

New Pig Collages

May 26, 2009
Dubuque Pig.
Ten Dollar Market Hog.
Derby Pig.
New pig collages. Click the pictures for more info.

I find that a pig theme adds a humorous touch to my artwork. Ever since I witnessed a runaway pig at the Iowa State Fair, pigs have been a featured design in my collages. I usually start with a contour pencil design, and now I use one of these as a template. I hand-paint the collage papers with thick-bodied acrylic paint, and keep a large file of these on hand. I aim for bright, textured colors and use complementary colors for contrast. I may add other embellishments later, such as beads, play money, maps, and wire.

The Market Hog designs started in 2001. As I work, other title ideas pop into my mind and I jot these down to work on later. Recently I’ve attempted to paint a pig each day, as my ideas keep flowing.

Posted in Midwest Life on May 26, 2009.

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