Soft Daffodils
My latest idea was to begin the Daily Paintings in the smaller format. The result is a soft, lively watercolor of these spring beauties. more »
My latest idea was to begin the Daily Paintings in the smaller format. The result is a soft, lively watercolor of these spring beauties. more »
It took me a total of four years to complete this painting. A breakthrough occurred after seeing some beautiful butterflies this spring. more »
The inspiration for this painting was a fresh bouquet of coneflowers, daisies and dusty miller buds that I picked from our garden. more »
The Drama Queen poppy is actually a hybrid variety. The color is brilliant red, and I set them up in a vase for this painting. more »
This is a painting of my still life setup which included a flamingo plant, a round red vase, and some small bottles on a patterned blue fabric. more »
Still lifes are my main subject matter. I love the casualness and placement of these objects -- the Oregon sunflowers sit on the countertop, along with the mugs and bag of sugar. more »
I am inspired by big, colorful sunflowers. My goal when using acrylic pigments is a thicker, saturated surface with brighter pigments. more »
This painting is part of a series of new floral monotypes I began early this year. I cut some bright coneflowers from our garden and put them in a Ball jar and painted a simple still life. more »
This is another in my floral garden series. I am attracted by the soft blue, delicate flower shapes of the larkspurs next to the contrasting, bold sunflowers. more »
Occasionally I enjoy working on monotypes in between painting watercolor or collages. This design is one of my irises. more »