Early Fall Harvest
This petite old barn collage is a continuation of my Iowa series work, which I really love to do. I favor a square format instead of the typical horizontal landscape composition. more »
This petite old barn collage is a continuation of my Iowa series work, which I really love to do. I favor a square format instead of the typical horizontal landscape composition. more »
My inspiration for this painting began by watching the tiny sparrows in our backyard. The birds are almost hidden among coneflowers. more »
My latest idea was to begin the Daily Paintings in the smaller format. The result is a soft, lively watercolor of these spring beauties. more »
It took me a total of four years to complete this painting. A breakthrough occurred after seeing some beautiful butterflies this spring. more »
This abstract bicycle collage is part of the RAGBRAI series. Pieces of an actual road map were used in the design, and include the actual cities the riders stay overnight after the day's ride. more »
The inspiration for this painting was a fresh bouquet of coneflowers, daisies and dusty miller buds that I picked from our garden. more »
This particular barn belonged to a dear friend of mine and has been dismantled because of unsafe conditions. The foreground was uninteresting, so I added some bright, bold yellow sunflowers dancing in the wind. more »
This painting was inspired by the endless field configurations I notice when driving around Iowa. Barn structures are like old friends sitting in the curving fields of crops. more »
The Drama Queen poppy is actually a hybrid variety. The color is brilliant red, and I set them up in a vase for this painting. more »
This is a painting of my still life setup which included a flamingo plant, a round red vase, and some small bottles on a patterned blue fabric. more »