Marybeth Heikes

Paintings in Watercolor & Mixed Media

Posts Tagged “Melon”

Wedges & Stripes

Wedges & Stripes

June 23, 2014

This painting was inspired by artist Janet Fish’s watermelon still life. I set up my fruit and other still life objects outside on a table in bright sunlight. This composition is all about complementary color and a strong design. The juicy watermelon wedges, the blue hand-crafted art dish, the striped cloth, fork, the lime green […] more »

Melon & Mantis

Melon & Mantis

September 26, 2013

I was inspired to do something with the bright orangey colors of our garden cantaloupes. We picked about six of them and I cut them into wedges before cutting them into chunks for breakfast. I wanted to do something fun and whimsical and thought about the praying mantis we had on our back steps a […] more »