Bebop Blues Guitars
This composition was inspired by guitars that we saw at the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, California, a few years ago. There was a display of many interesting musical instruments and interactive displays. more »
This composition was inspired by guitars that we saw at the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad, California, a few years ago. There was a display of many interesting musical instruments and interactive displays. more »
I love all the different musical instruments and their shapes that describe them. This painting includes a violin, sax, french horn, clarinet and piano. more »
Painting a series of musical instruments has been on my mind lately. This began with a very loose contour drawing in ink and turned out to be more complicated than I thought. I completed the drawing from life and included the many sections of details as I worked. Sometimes I like to begin doing a […] more »
This piece was inspired by the interesting shape of the violin, and it was something that has been on the back burner for a while. When a friend asked me if I had any collages of this particular subject, I jumped right in and designed a piece. My favorite part of designing a piece is choosing […] more »