Teapot Series #19
December 8, 2015
For me, the challenge is to continue this series and expand on the teapot designs. My goal is to do at least twenty unique designs. Originally the focus for this background was to be a crossword puzzle, but it evolved into the arrow-like shapes. I also wanted to use a different range of colors than […] more »
Teapot Series #17 – Lime Pears
November 19, 2015
I have decided to continue with my Teapot Series still lifes after reviewing some of my past work. This subject matter still intrigues me and I wonder where the future designs may lead. That is why I continue to paint — the surprise ending is well worth it! I do know that once I start […] more »
Wedges & Stripes
June 23, 2014
This painting was inspired by artist Janet Fish’s watermelon still life. I set up my fruit and other still life objects outside on a table in bright sunlight. This composition is all about complementary color and a strong design. The juicy watermelon wedges, the blue hand-crafted art dish, the striped cloth, fork, the lime green […] more »
Clementine & Champagne
May 6, 2014
This is a new still life setup, which includes many familiar pieces from my collection of objects. I set up the items on a table in our front east window, using the direct sunlight streaming inside. My favorite amber bottles and goblets are the main elements, along with the turquoise striped cloth. The clementine and […] more »
Ruby Vase & Pears
February 4, 2013
I’m back doing a still life with my favorite glassware. I recently purchased the round, ruby vase that I thought would be great in a set-up. The other challenge in this still life was using an abstract acrylic collage in the background behind the glass. The pears added interesting shapes and color changes in the design. A piece of […] more »
Fruit, Bottle & Goblets
February 26, 2012
This is my second still life featuring my hand-sewed Crazy Quilt, and I wonder what I was thinking since it has so many details — the ruby-red vase, apples, an antique mirror, wood-grained table, and transparent glass! A lot a textures crammed into a still life, but I am very happy with the results. It […] more »
Nectarines and Teapots
December 30, 2011
I’ve been painting teapots for a number of years. These teapots are part of my collection that I set up outside on a glass table with mirrors and the fruit. I liked the reflections in the mirrors — they add great dimensional interest! It is a complex arrangement and the teapots seem to be in […] more »
Grapes & Bananas
May 20, 2011
The challenge was to paint a still life in a petite format, something I hadn’t tried before. It was successful and I ended up doing a series of these. more »
Apple Martini Monopoly
February 20, 2008
I set up this still life on the kitchen countertop. It is a more complicated and challenging composition with the fruit, glass, gameboard surface and ice cubes. more »