Grape Blueberry Bouquet
I love painting fresh flowers from my garden. This bouquet of purple and blue flowers was painted from life and photographs. more »
I love painting fresh flowers from my garden. This bouquet of purple and blue flowers was painted from life and photographs. more »
Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers and I enjoy painting their square petals and vivid hues. more »
In this vertical design, I painted the chairs first and then the hollyhocks on the left. I set it aside for a year and thought about the finish and what interesting elements to add to it. more »
My inspiration for this painting began by watching the tiny sparrows in our backyard. The birds are almost hidden among coneflowers. more »
This abstract bicycle collage is part of the RAGBRAI series. Pieces of an actual road map were used in the design, and include the actual cities the riders stay overnight after the day's ride. more »
I am inspired by big, colorful sunflowers. My goal when using acrylic pigments is a thicker, saturated surface with brighter pigments. more »
This painting is part of a series of new floral monotypes I began early this year. I cut some bright coneflowers from our garden and put them in a Ball jar and painted a simple still life. more »
This painting was inspired by my garden irises. I love gardens and find them a restful place to enjoy the solitude of each day and admire nature in all its glory. I am drawn by the shapes and brilliant colors of flowers. more »
My goal was to create an autumn piece using fall flowers and colors. Using my imagination and some reference photos, I used a combination of terracotta daisies, tiny mums, some purple crinkly puffy flowers and red roses. more »
I am constantly inspired by my garden flowers because their shapes and colors provide endless designs and spread cheerfulness. I always begin sketching these flowers from life, and add detailed notes that help when I begin painting them. more »