Des Moines Cityscape
I started this week by working on the Des Moines cityscape collage. I got sidetracked and didn’t begin the round barn as planned and wanted to get closer to a finish on the first collage.
On viewing the cityscape, I wasn’t happy with the color chosen for the sky — the pink was too close in value and made everything look darker. I painted a layer of Interference Orange over it, thinking it would tone it down. Since this didn’t do the trick, I changed it completely by adding a primary yellow mixed with white acrylic. It brightened it considerably and look much improved. After that, I continued working on the skywalk shapes and other sections, noting some changes will be made on the light poles. I’m satisfied with the piece so far. The advantage of working in collage is that changes can be glued down over the offending color.
Today I will begin working on the next portrait commission and working more on the cityscape and perhaps getting a start on the barn.