Marybeth Heikes

Paintings in Watercolor & Mixed Media

Posts Tagged “Brown”

Rudbeckias & Brushes

Rudbeckias & Brushes

September 5, 2019

This composition originally had just brushes and I decided to liven it up a bit with brightly colored flowers. Fresh flowers always inspire me because they are fresh and bold and add interest to the design. more »

Sunset on the Prairie

Sunset on the Prairie

August 1, 2019

This is a continuation of my barn series, done in acrylic collage in a square design format. While working on this I found a beautiful piece of variegated paper that was perfect for the sunset. more »

Chairs in the Jungle #135

Chairs in the Jungle #135

June 13, 2019

This composition is a continuation of my series of still lifes that I began back in the late 1980s. It is the variations of chair shapes that interest me, and by combining them with tropical plants or flowers I am able to create a unique design that is authentic to me. more »



July 14, 2016

This is a typical pose of our goats sunbathing on their box. Not a care in the world! And not head-butting and pushing each other around the yard — just soaking up the rays and dozing. What a life! more »

Windmill at Forbush Road

Windmill at Forbush Road

January 21, 2016

For this piece, I used one of my reference photos taken many years ago of a barn down the road. I added a windmill from another neighbor’s farm, as it’s a popular agricultural icon. I used artistic license for the barn’s colors. Another favorite element of my farmscapes is using an Iowa map for the […] more »

Teapot Series #19

Teapot Series #19

December 8, 2015

For me, the challenge is to continue this series and expand on the teapot designs. My goal is to do at least twenty unique designs. Originally the focus for this background was to be a crossword puzzle, but it evolved into the arrow-like shapes. I also wanted to use a different range of colors than […] more »

Box Sitter

Box Sitter

November 24, 2015

Cats play a big part in our lives and I have a lot of models around during the day. Felines love squashing themselves into a small box and I used a reference photo for this watercolor painting. I used a limited palette of cadmium orange, cerulean blue, sap green, ultramarine blue, white and thalo red. more »



May 21, 2015

I have been thinking about doing portraiture in watercolor for a long time, and when our goat Zooey had kids, it was the perfect moment. I couldn’t resist painting my husband holding baby George. As usual, I worked from reference photos and edited the background to keep the portrait uncluttered. I feel it was successful […] more »