Teapot Series in Iowa Watercolor Show
Two watercolor paintings by Marybeth Heikes will be exhibited in the 27th Annual Iowa Watercolor Show. The paintings, Teapot Series #13 and Teapot Series #14, are two of the 60 watercolors selected for the show by nationally known instructor and author Eric Weigardt. The show represents the best of Iowa watercolor artists.
These two paintings are the latest in Heikes’ open-ended “Teapot Series,” of which earlier pieces have been exhibited in national shows. These still lifes depict a collection of teapots and memorabilia in her trademark bold colors and strong designs.
The paintings will be displayed at the Hearst Center for the Arts in Cedar Falls, Iowa, from September 5 through October 31. The opening awards luncheon and reception will be Sunday, September 12 at the Cedar Falls Women’s Clubhouse and is open to the public. Prizes will be awarded and selected pieces will form a traveling exhibit to be shown around Iowa during the next year.