Marybeth Heikes

Paintings in Watercolor & Mixed Media

Midwest Life

Biking / RAGBRAI #9

Biking / RAGBRAI #9

December 19, 2018

My inspiration for this abstract bicycle design are the geometric shapes. I have found that working in a series inspires my creativity, in challenging me to look more closely at my subject matter. This series began many years ago when a friend suggested bicycles would be a popular design because of the yearly RAGBRAI ride […] more »

Morning Market

Morning Market

May 3, 2018

The inspiration for this painting were the people and sights at the downtown Des Moines Farmers Market. One needs to go more than once to take in the vendors, people and food at the summer market in an ever-changing event. more »

Downtown Des Moines Series #45

Downtown Des Moines Series #45

November 29, 2017

My inspiration for this acrylic collage are the shapes of various buildings in downtown Des Moines. I love the different shapes, with all their details that make up an interesting design. The challenge is a complex design of familiar buildings in the downtown environment using bright colors. more »