Final Chapter
My love affair with the old barns in Iowa continues. I have been roaming the countryside photographing these distinct structures that are full of character. more »
My love affair with the old barns in Iowa continues. I have been roaming the countryside photographing these distinct structures that are full of character. more »
This design is a colorful acrylic collage of some henhouse chickens. I used my imagination to create the barn, inspired mostly from my old photo collection, and cut the shapes from my hand-painted acrylic papers. more »
I based this on one of my watercolor prints of a barn in southeast Iowa that I painted many years ago, but I redesigned the composition using big, simple shapes and edited as I worked. more »
My love affair with old barn structures continues. Working with collage, and editing as I work, results in an out-of-this-world design. more »
I have been inspired by the Midwest landscape for many years. The sprawling fields, rustic barns and sheds are a few elements that capture my interest. I began painting these old structures around 1995 and have painted over one hundred landscapes since then. more »
This acrylic collage is a continuation of my Iowa landscape series. more »
The inspiration of old southeast Iowa barns continues to pique my imagination with their lively character. This barn had interesting round windows in the upper level and I could not help adding some bright, colorful sunflowers in the foreground. more »
I love painting the Iowa landscape with its old barns full of character. I began using a pale pink for the sky and used some geometric shapes for the roof and barn. The foreground was not planned until the last minute. more »
I have been painting Iowa landscapes since early 1985. They are full of character with their geometric shapes -- all are very different and interesting to me. This piece is a section of landscape, taken from an old photo of mine. more »
This is a continuation of my barn series, done in acrylic collage in a square design format. While working on this I found a beautiful piece of variegated paper that was perfect for the sunset. more »