Charcoal Bud Vase & Red Zinnias
Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers and I enjoy painting their square petals and vivid hues. more »
Zinnias are one of my favorite flowers and I enjoy painting their square petals and vivid hues. more »
My inspiration for this painting began by watching the tiny sparrows in our backyard. The birds are almost hidden among coneflowers. more »
The inspiration for this painting was a fresh bouquet of coneflowers, daisies and dusty miller buds that I picked from our garden. more »
The Drama Queen poppy is actually a hybrid variety. The color is brilliant red, and I set them up in a vase for this painting. more »
This watercolor painting was inspired by my garden flowers that I picked for a table bouquet. It is my favorite subject to paint; I love the colors and freshness of the flowers. more »
This design began in 2019 and sat unfinished on my shelf for a couple years. Sometimes I hit a dead-end while working, and the best thing to do is set it aside for a rainy day. more »
There is something about poppies that I love: the large, boisterous petals and shapes of the flowers and the vivid red color. I find myself drawing and painting them every time they bloom in my garden. more »
Flowers always inspire me. I love drawing and painting their shapes. Here the colors are bright and saturated, which describes the subject matter perfectly. more »
This acrylic collage was created using my sketches done from life two years ago. I was inspired by their full petal-heads and brilliant colors. more »
This acrylic collage is part of my still life project for a joint show at Artisan Gallery 218. This design is a continuation of my Chairs series I began in the 1980s. more »