Marybeth Heikes

Paintings in Watercolor & Mixed Media

Posts Tagged “Umber”

Sunflower Vignette #2

Sunflower Vignette #2

February 16, 2023

A client requested an original sunflower watercolor painting, and I am always happy to paint these bold and colorful flowers. They come in array of yellows, rust and mahogany hues -- what's not to like? more »

Engine Abstraction #17

Engine Abstraction #17

July 11, 2019

This abstract train engine varies a bit from the pieces I have completed so far. This collage is actually the first design. I did not use a sketch, but rather used a close-up section and began by cutting out shapes and arranging them on the gessoed hardboard. It is a section of the brake and wheel, and I just improvised until the design looked good to me. more »

Amber Waves of Grain

Amber Waves of Grain

July 5, 2019

This acrylic painting is a continuation of my Iowa landscape series. I am inspired to paint the rolling hills of crops, the disappearing barns full of character, silos and other farm implements. more »

Engine Abstraction #8

Engine Abstraction #8

June 5, 2019

This design is a continuation of my close-up train engine series. I have painted engines and trains in a variety of mediums. The textures and geometric shapes interest me and also the local color. more »

New Years Pizza, Blue Pepperoni

New Years Pizza, Blue Pepperoni

January 10, 2017

The most exciting moment for me is completing a collage without a thumbnail design, allowing the process to carry my creative mind on an adventure of discovery. In the past I began with a specific idea and drawing for a collage. It started with Iowa barns and farm animals. I traveled in southeast Iowa searching […] more »

Indian Corn

Indian Corn

November 7, 2014

This artwork came about by way of request, but I have been thinking of doing one of the indian corn for a long time. I worked from my original pencil drawing done in 1980, which is very detailed and took me many months to complete. In the collage design my drawing is simplified — just […] more »



January 6, 2014

I have been working on a series of cat paintings which I started a few years ago. The nice thing is, I have plenty of models available and a large file of reference photos of all the felines we have had over many years. In this particular study, I have combined three separate photos of […] more »